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Regulatory Consultancies

Compliance consultancies in employment, safety and tax fee protection, mostly for SMEs, but increasingly also for mid-market firms. A market led by Peninsula, Abbey protection, RBS Mentor and Croner but with many strong higher service specialists..

Strategy Paper
NED Confidential

NED Comply Confidential watches all the corporate finance issues in employment law, safety and corporate compliance markets and puts them in their full market context.

Taking an experienced Non-Exec's view of the moves that your direct competitors make, the neighbouring industries make, and anything interesting in product/service, M&A or staffing - we cut out the gossip and focus on the financial facts.

A subscription entitles 2 readers to track the market leading players each year and ensure they have the Market Mapping, M&A insights and operational benchmarks to hand as well.

Subscribers receive the email updates for a year from purchase and can email or call for advice at any time. Emails are typically weekly (c44pa).

NED's focus is independent and we deliver the evidence you need to navigate the complex times ahead. We focus on where clients spend their cash, not where they say they might or where some people might want them to. Accordingly we watch the industry boundaries closely, we track all the disruptors, the neighbouring industries, the new entrants, the cost of entry, exits, M&A moves and service developments. If you are providing legal, regulatory, employment law, safety, certification or compliance services to UK businesses, this is how to find out the facts and to stay up to speed with all key market developments.

We are a uniquely independent team of experts here and accordingly we choose not to publish these confidential insights based on advertising support, sponsorship or promotions. Our commentary and market analysis is always fair, but also always grounded on the best data set and economic analysis in the market today. We have been used recently by all of the major global accountancy practices, strategy consultancies and law firms. We think the people who make up the market should see this corporate finance and economic analysis approach too.

From global law firms, boutiques, software developers, safety specialists, certification teams, regulatory consultancies, insurers and innovators, we scrutinise the boundaries you need to watch, quantify the issues and help you tackle the options arising.

The Law Society research team said of our work: "It's a brilliant piece of work, very insightful and with helpful visuals".

The Competition and Markets Authority: "We found the information extremely interesting and would like to discuss it further."

NED Confidential
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Price: £495 | Added: 17/08/2016
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