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Regulatory Consultancies

Compliance consultancies in employment, safety and tax fee protection, mostly for SMEs, but increasingly also for mid-market firms. A market led by Peninsula, Abbey protection, RBS Mentor and Croner but with many strong higher service specialists..

Strategy Paper
NED Mentor

NED Mentor is a service that helps you face the disruptive challenges ahead. Starting with the NED Confidential advisory and email alerting service (which you can download straight away) you gain access to dozens of Dashboards and Due Diligence profiles on suppliers of legal and complaince services. These are not just the firms you knwo and know well, but the ones from insurance, law firm, consuting, accounatncy or other backgrounds - the disruptors, the teams that, worryingly, your clients and prospective clients may know better than you do.

To level the playing field, start here. Subscribe today and you get access to the emails and advice for a year plus any updates to all the supplier reports throughout the year.

NED Mentor
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Price: £800 | Added: 11/11/2015
File Type: PDF | File size: 1,282.36 Kb
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