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Moving On - NED style
Posted: 27 March 2013
Rich from Docklands asks:

I was in charge of over 1200 people.
I designed the services that are now the industry standard.
I created over 1000 jobs and have only ever had to remove a couple of dozen.
I sucked up so much poo from shareholders and internal audit hit squads for decades that it gave me ulcers.
People I?ve trained have held senior roles in every major firm in the industry.
I never created a job that didn?t have the power to pay someone?s mortgage for decades.
Global HR summarised me as "a great coach, but one that doesn?t take passengers".
And I often played the fool to help ease the daily grind of senior management decisions and interaction.

Now they?re treating me like the fool I sometimes pretended to be and side-lining me.
Any ideas?

NED says:

All good things come to an end.
It sounds to me like you will not be able to work with or for people who don?t understand the "dwarves-on-giants-shoulders" thing; especially if they are soured or "turned" proteges.

Patronising the old guard is the smart-arse tactic of small minds, so move on.

The Christmas card list will disappear.
The emails will fall off a cliff.
Calls won?t get returned.
Eye contact will be avoided.

It will only hurt if you are not already doing something better.

And its usually not that hard to find what it is or will be.

Get there, and get there soon.
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