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Titles and Gongs: NED?s view
Posted: 18 February 2013
Gill in Norfolk writes:

Could this be a record? We no longer have a librarian: Jan?s been reclassified as a "content curator and merchandiser". To top it all she now reports to the ?Chief Privacy Officer?. I feel a capex request for a much bigger computer cannot be far behind.

NED Says
That wins this month?s daft title contest hands down. Not the CPO thing ? they?ve been around since Star Wars?

Terry in Chester boasts:

We?ve just won the Leading Supplier category in the 2012 awards for our industry in the UK. We have been up against several household names and some serial lobbying with some chuffed customers seems to have done the trick. The industry panel selected us as we were clearly "best value" and "most cost effective". What?s the best way to build on this? A major advertising campaign perhaps?

NED says:

Business is war not sport. Nobody needs another score card. If you?re winning you make more profit, simple. If you?re winning consistently, that makes you able to invest better than the rest and simultaneously more attractive to acquirers. If you need gongs and awards, fine ? enjoy the dinner and stay sober. Just don?t see it as any more than a way for some magazines or institutes to squeeze more advertising cash from you. Most people who are serious about their industry don?t bother with the high profile noisy "gongs" stuff ? they quietly get on with the real job. Yes, you do have to be in it to win it ? but most serious players don?t see these circuses as worth the candle. The real job is to get more money from clients who thank you for taking it even more.

Gong?s for discounts is a mugs game. When you find a way of getting your clients to spend more and thank you for it, instead of wasting your time at black tie do?s, you?ll be on the right track.
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