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Big Al in Exeter and Trigger in Manchester...
Posted: 12 February 2013
Big Al from Exeter is worried:

They made me a director 4 years ago, but it’s still only a "personal title" and the car upgrade didn’t happen. Several chats a year with the FD have brought only more promises and no raises, but frankly a load more work - I seem to have to do all the dirty work in reorganisations now. "Busy" doesn’t even come close - I’m becoming the HQ one man SWAT team. The wife is threatening to leave if we don’t move and get the kids better placed though; with the hours and travel routines I now have to do we hardly see each other. Two weeks ago the FD said she’d raise it with the CEO, she hasn’t.

NED says
People who present ultimatums get two responses - "here’s the door", or empty promises. My guess is you are indispensable to the FD but she can’t let others see that she’s the one being lazy. You’ve sold yourself short. Several times. Buck up, use the "director" title to get a real job with a bigger competitor, and soon. If that competitor is in a different division, all the better, but you’d better be a billion dollar conglomerate.

If you get a chance for a direct chat with the CEO, be prepared - he will not know what you really do, will have been repeatedly told you’re a "work in progress", and probably still thinks the sunshine comes from under the FD’s comfy leather chair. If you really are still a "work in progress" - after 4 years FFS get a grip. Either way - times up.

Trigger in Manchester writes:

I have been offered the job of Senior Headquarters Information Technology and Enterprise Director. It’s an HQ role and frankly not having staff reporting any more would be a big attraction. I’m going to take it.

NED says
Look at the abbreviation on the new business card first and just think whether the group HRD really had a straight face when she made the offer...
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